We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
CoDi: Generate Anything from Anything All At Oncethrough Composable Diffusion
OpenI启智 新一代人工智能开源开放平台OpenI启智平台是在科技部领导下,由新一代人工智能产业创新战略联盟(AITISA)组织,产学研用通力协作的新一代人工智能开源开放平台,英文名称OpenIntelligence,简称OpenI,是国家新一代人工智能实施过程中各种研发和产业力量的汇聚平台。
Civitai is a platform for Stable Diffusion AI Art models. Browse a collection of thousands of models from a growing number of creators. Join an engaged community in reviewing models and sharing images with prompts to get you started.